This magical theatrical show will transport the audience on a journey filled with sensations and emotions thanks to the various disciplines of illusionism. Featuring appearances, disappearances, levitations, transformations, mentalism acts, manipulation of magical elements, and also a selection of the best large illusions (large-scale magic apparatuses performed with an assistant).
Felix the magician: His stage presence is that of an extroverted, entertaining magician with a hint of playful mischief that captivates audiences of all ages, making his show perfect for the whole family. Felix keeps the crowd engaged throughout, inviting audience members on stage for interactive acts and connecting with them right from their seats.
Felix always aims to surprise while also entertaining the audience. His grand illusions, colourful costumes, and original choreography create a delightful and astonishing impact on the audience.
Records Magics
“Records Magics” is a captivating and completely original show filled with magic and fantasy. It’s the only production in Mallorca that features large illusions designed specifically for children. Iconic characters make appearances, like Inspector Gadget, Aladdin and the Princess, Popeye, Alice and the Mad Hatter, the Scientist from Back to the Future, Bert with Mary Poppins, He-Man, Austin Powers, and Homer Addams. There are also surprise guests, including the magical arrival of Santa Claus and Spider-Man. Additionally, the art of chinese hand shadows (shadow puppets) under moonlight pays tribute to grandparents, creating a touching and heartfelt moment.
This magical show is designed for the whole family, with the main goal of helping parents introduce their children to the characters from the fairy tales they read, the cartoons and movies they enjoyed, and the fun they had before the internet and video game consoles. It’s a heartwarming experience that brings together grandparents, uncles, siblings, friends, parents, and children, creating cherished memories filled with nostalgia and joy.
The little ones enjoyed it, and the older ones were moved.
The dynamism and participation of the children are fundamental pillars of the performance, as they share this experience with Magician Felix, whether playing at being magicians, musicians, dancers, artists, and more. It is a show filled with magic but also a great deal of fun.
Records Magics mainly consists of musical & spoken routines that can be performed in Spanish, Catalan, or English.